Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Arctic-class E-skip opening overnight Jan 13-14, 2025.

Rare January late night E-Skip opening Jan 14, 0034-0225 EST. From ND-SD-NE-MN-WI > ON.

One new FM catch : KABD 107.7 Ipswich SD. Also one FM via new mode : WHND 89.7 Sister Bay WI at only 399 miles (previous via TR). Missed it live, but the autologgers captured it.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

10m : Lithuania & Newfoundland


LY3BFH Vilnius, Lithuania on 28.68 MHz adds another country to the 10-metre logbook.

Newfoundland & Labrador

VO1SW Gander, Newfoundland on 28.68 MHz adds another sub-country.

Saturday, 9 December 2023

 10m : Western Cape

ZS1KC Cape Town, South Africa on 28.68 MHz adds another sub-country to the 10-metre logbook.


Wednesday, 18 October 2023

10m : Saxony-Anhalt + Tula

Two new sub-countries received on 28.68 MHz SSTV during the past few days :


And ... 

Monday, 21 August 2023

Great tropo opening continues - switches to the northwest.

 Tropo summary part 2 - for Aug 20-21 opening towards South Dakota.

874 - WXM-41 162.425 South Shore, SD
824 - KNCM 91.3 Appleton, MN
724 - WNG-676 162.525 Clearwater, MN
693 - WFTC 29 Minneapolis, MN
517 - WDEZ 101.9 Wausau, WI

QTH - West Niagara, ON

Sunday, 20 August 2023

Big Tropo Opening TN > ON on August 19-20, 2023

 A quick summary of my 500+ mile catches during the Aug 19-20 Tr opening. This was my 1st-ever Nashville TV opening :

776 - WPGF 87.75 Memphis TN
719 - WWH30 162.500 Dyersburg TN
650 - KXI42 162.450 Chester IL
638 - WDDJ 96.9 Paducah KY
631 - WXM49 162.425 Marion IL
628 - WCVQ-HD 107.9 Fort Campbell KY
626 - WKRN 27 Nashville TN
613 - WUXP 21 Nashville TN
605 - WNKJ 89.3 Hopkinsville KY
591 - WXN74 162.500 Hickman TN
589 - WXJ91 162.525 Madisonville KY
556 - WKDQ 99.5 Henderson KY
542 - WNG732 162.450 Lafollette TN
510 - WDCL 89.7 Somerset KY
508 - WULF 94.3 Hardinsburg KY

QTH = West Niagara, ON.


Friday, 17 September 2021

NAVTEX Frequency Pollution from Canada

Canada's telecommunication authority - ISEDC - continues to allow CHLO-HD 530 Brampton, ON to create destructive interference to the 518 NAVTEX frequency in the form of a digital IBOC sideband covering 515-520 kHz. 

This electromagnetic pollution is in total disregard for the principles of GMDSS and ITU spectrum obilgations.

Friday, 23 July 2021


 Nicaragua TV double-hop

YNFA-302 Channel 2 Managua 

YNFA-304 Channel 4 Managua

                 Channel 3 Matagalpa

A 4-hour long double-hop sporadic E-skip event on July 22, 2021 brought TV signals from Nicaragua into Canada. Channel 2 Managua was first noted at 3:01 p.m. EDT. This was followed by the stronger Channel 4 Managua at 3:15 p.m. with a Multinoticias logo. Later the station returned to its usual '4' logo. YNFA-304 was in colour at times. A new catch, 1 kW Channel 3 Matagalpa was seen at 4:34 p.m. This repeater station was // to channel 4. The Nicaraguan signals managed to stick around until ~ 7 pm.

Seen here is a recording of Channel 4 Managua. This video uses frame-stacking, which although causes motion blur, increases the sharpness of still objects. The audio change partway through is a result of changing from NFM to WFM.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

 Colombia TV double-hop

5JA-5166 Channel 4 Santa Marta + 

5JA-8295 Channel 3 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta +

5J...          Channel 3 Monteria

A long lasting double-hop sporadic E-skip event on July 13, 2021, that also brought in TV from Dominicana and FM from Puerto Rico, allowed reception of Colombia on channels 3 and 4 from here in Canada. The first sign of Colombia came at 4:24 p.m. EDT with relog Channel 4 Caracol Te Ve in Santa Marta. This continued until 5:09 p.m. when a new catch was seen, Channel 3 Caracol Te Ve in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (near Valledupar) // to Channel 4. Later on at 6:38 p.m., another new catch on Channel 3 with Telecaribe in Monteria. The Colombian opening lasted well over 2 hours.

Seen here are recordings of Channel 4 Santa Marta and Channel 3 Monteria.

 Puerto Rico FM into Canada !

WRTU-FM 89.7 San Juan at 1,891 miles on July 13, 2021

On July 13 during a double-hop E-skip event where Dominicana and Colombia were coming in on lowband TV, Puerto Rico appeared on the FM dial at 5:08 p.m. EDT, a new FM country for me (#8). The recording below begins at 5:27 p.m. Unfortunately my antenna switch wasn't pushed over completely, so the signal was about 10 dB lower than it could of been. Amazing strength for double-hop. Midpoint was in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Also received was an unID Spanish station on 97.1. No matches could be found in Puerto Rico, so Dominicana is suspected.